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Final with Overloaded Assignment


I have a program with a derived type that has a final procedure and an assignment operator overload, as shown below:   

    module MyTypeModule
        implicit none

        type MyType
            real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: myArray
            final :: Finalize
        end type MyType

        interface assignment(=)
            module procedure :: MyTypeAssign
        end interface

        subroutine Finalize(this)
            type(MyType), intent(inout) :: this

            if (allocated(this%myArray)) deallocate(this%myArray)
        end subroutine Finalize

        subroutine MyTypeAssign(left,right)
            type(MyType), intent(out) :: left
            type(MyType), intent(in) :: right

            if (allocated(right%myArray)) left%myArray = right%myArray
        end subroutine MyTypeAssign
    end module MyTypeModule

    program TestCodeAssignmentFinalize
        use MyTypeModule
        implicit none

        type(MyType) :: a,b

        a%myArray = 1.0
        write(*,*) "a is allocated? ",allocated(a%myArray)
        write(*,*) "setting a = a"
        a = a
        write(*,*) "a is allocated? ",allocated(a%myArray)
        write(*,*) "b is allocated? ",allocated(b%myArray)
        write(*,*) "setting b = a"
        b = a
        write(*,*) "b is allocated? ",allocated(b%myArray)
    end program TestCodeAssignmentFinalize

The console output is as follows:

 a is allocated?  T
 setting a = a
 a is allocated?  T
 b is allocated?  F
 setting b = a
 b is allocated?  T


When I comment out the assignment interface, I get the following console output:

 a is allocated?  T
 setting a = a
 a is allocated?  F
 b is allocated?  F
 setting b = a
 b is allocated?  F

You can see that with intrinsic assignment, the array in a is getting deallocated before being assigned to itself, whereas it remains allocated with the overloaded assignment.  Is this expected behavior?  If it is expected, then is there a way to get around the deallocation when I have a = a and intrinsic assignment?

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