I'm new in Fortran and Visual Studio. I need to compile and run one code from the reference manual of one commercial software.
When I directly open (from windows explorer) "bintst.F" then Visual Studio recognizes that "c" and "*deck" are comments automatically. But when I create new project and copy/paste the text from "bintst.F" - syntax errors are appeared and "c" and "*deck" are not recognized. Help me please to fix it.
IDE (This project was started with a template "Intel(R) Visual Fortran console application" I switched an extension from .f90 to .F manually, just for test):
I use:
Visual Studio 2015 Professional.
Intel Visual Fortran Compiler
Windows 7 x64
Compiler is launched with:
ifort /nologo /debug:full /Od /fpp /I"C:\ANSYS\v171\ansys\customize\include" /free /warn:all /module:"Debug" /object:"Debug" /Fd"Debug\vc140.pdb" /traceback /check:bounds /check:stack /libs:dll /threads /dbglibs /c /extfor:F /Qlocation,link,"C:\MV14\VC\\bin" /Qm32 "D:\tmp\fortran\vs1\Console1\Console1\bintst.F"
Source code:
*deck,bintst USERDISTRIB ansys program bintst c *** primary function: dumps a binary file with the name, file.rst, c to the screen. it then takes that file and copies it to a new c file, file2.rst. lastly, it dumps the file, file2.rst, to the c screen for comparison purposes c c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information *** c c Copyright ANSYS. All Rights Reserved. c *** ansys, inc. c c common variables: c iout (int,sc,comm) - output unit number c intpdp (int,sc,comm) - number of integers per double precision word c lenfnm (int,sc,comm) - number of characters in the filename c reclng (int,sc,comm) - system record length c c NOTE: bintst is not part of binlib.a. it is c included only as an aid to users. c #include "impcom.inc" #include "unixpm.inc" external binini,bintrd,bintwr,biniqr,bintfo,modinfo integer biniqr c integer units, code character*80 title(2) character*260 pname,nname character*250 jobnam c integer iout,intpdp,lenfnm,reclng common /bintcm/ iout,intpdp,lenfnm,reclng c c ********** define application exit mode ********** system call modinfo(1,1) c ********** define the output unit number ********** system iout = 6 c ********** define the number of integers per double precision intpdp = biniqr (0,2) c ********** define the number of characters in the file name lenfnm = biniqr (0,3) c ********** define the i/0 buffer page length (integer*4 words) reclng = biniqr (0,1) c c ********** define the file names ********** system pname = 'file.rst' nname = 'file2.rst' c c ********** initialize the bin routines ********** call binini (iout) c c ********** initialize the header common ********** title(1) = 'New title as given by BINTST' title(2) = 'New subtitle as given by BINTST' jobnam = 'file ' units = 0 c --- the value for code below should be changed to appropriate 3rd party code code = 200 call bintfo (title,jobnam,units,code) c ********** read and list the file file.rst ********** call bintrd (pname) c c ********** copy file file.rst to file file2.rst ********** call bintwr (pname,nname) c c ********** read and list the file file2.rst ********** call bintrd (nname) c stop end