i got an error with the XE17.1 compiler. The following code produces two different crashes in line 35 (coming from 68), dependend on the type of "vec" in "T_VECTOR". The code worked with the XE16.X compilers.
module M_T_VECTOR implicit none type :: T_VECTOR !forrtl: severe (408): fort: (7): Attempt to use pointer ASSIGN_SOURCE when it is not associated with a target real :: vec(1:3) = [0.0,0.0,0.0] !forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation ! doubleprecision :: vec(1:3) = [0.0,0.0,0.0] contains procedure :: assignTo generic :: assignment(=) => assignTo procedure ::add generic :: operator(+) => add end type T_VECTOR type, extends(T_VECTOR) :: T_VECTOR_EXT type(T_VECTOR), allocatable :: disp(:) class(T_VECTOR_EXT), pointer :: pt_a => null() class(T_VECTOR_EXT), pointer :: pt_b(:) => null() end type T_VECTOR_EXT !-------------------------------------------------------- contains elemental subroutine assignTo(assign_target, assign_source) class(T_VECTOR), intent(inout) :: assign_target class(T_VECTOR), intent(in ) :: assign_source ! Exception thrown here assign_target%vec = assign_source%vec end subroutine elemental function add(lhs, rhs) result(ergebnis) class(T_VECTOR), intent(in ) :: lhs, rhs type(T_VECTOR) :: ergebnis ergebnis%vec = lhs%vec + rhs%vec end function end module M_T_VECTOR !======================================================== program main use M_T_VECTOR implicit none type(T_VECTOR_EXT), target :: a,b(2) a%pt_b => b a%pt_a => a allocate(a%disp(2)) allocate(b(1)%disp(2)) allocate(b(2)%disp(2)) !This works a%pt_a%disp(1) = a%pt_a%disp(1) + a%pt_b(1)%disp(1) a%pt_a%disp(2) = a%pt_a%disp(2) + a%pt_b(1)%disp(2) !This crashes a%pt_a%disp(:) = a%pt_a%disp(:) + a%pt_b(1)%disp(:) end program